Bay Area Legal Forum (BALF) – This committee shall perform such duties as are required by the Forum and disseminate information regarding the activities of the Forum.
Professional Liaison/Day in Court – This committee shall promote harmonious relations and cooperation with various organizations of the legal profession. This committee shall prepare for and present a Day in Court program.
Education – This committee shall be responsible for the preparation and presentation of educational programs designed to assist those employed or interested in the legal professionals field.
Employment – This committee shall assist members to obtain employment in the occupations described in Article II, Membership Section of the Bylaws of SFLPA.
Historian – It shall be the duty of the Historian to prepare a history book which shall conform to the rules established by LPI.
Interclub – This committee shall encourage the exchange of ideas for the advancement of this Association in the community, visit neighboring Legal Professionals Associations, and represent this Association at meetings of other organizations whose ideals and purposes are compatible with those of this Association.
Legal Procedures – The Legal Procedures Chair shall be employed in work of a legal nature. This committee shall devise and recommend means of educating members in the use of legal forms and procedures and disseminate information relative to new forms and procedures.
Marketing/Public Relations – This committee shall have charge of all newspaper, radio, television and other publicity in connection with the activities of this Association. All publicity involving LPI shall be cleared with the LPI President pursuant to Brass Tacks prior to submission to the media.
- It shall be the duty of this committee to stimulate interest in membership by presenting the advantages of such membership to prospective members and the legal community. This committee shall also disseminate information to the membership about the credit union, the insurance program and other benefits available to members through LPI. The chair shall present to the Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled meeting the applications of those who have the necessary qualifications. Such applications shall be accompanied by the first year’s dues and initiation fees. The chair shall provide the appropriate officers and committee chair with all pertinent information relative to such new members.
- This committee shall present the advantages of life membership to active members. The chair shall present to the Board of Directors the applications of those who have the necessary qualifications for life membership. Such applications shall be accompanied by the payment required by these bylaws.
- This committee shall present the advantages of associate membership to prospective associate members. The chair shall present to the Board of Directors the applications of those who have the necessary qualifications for associate membership, after having verified such qualifications. Such application shall be accompanied by the first year’s dues. The chair shall provide the appropriate officers and committee chairmen with all pertinent information relative to such new associate members.
Programs – This committee shall arrange for speakers, entertainment and restaurants for regular membership meetings and for such special programs as the President or the Board of Directors shall direct. This committee shall take reservations from the voicemail system and shall provide a list thereof to the Vice President and Treasurer.
Career Promotion/Scholarship – This committee shall encourage participation in scholarship programs. It shall present the names of students eligible to be placed in competition in the scholarship programs to the Board of Directors for approval. It shall also recommend other worthy projects to the Board of Directors for approval.
Ways and Means – This committee shall have charge of and sole responsibility for all fund raising activities of this Association.
Website Maintenance – This committee shall work with the Association’s webmaster to distribute timely and pertinent information regarding the Association’s activities and other items of interest through the Association website.