Legal Professionals, Inc. (LPI) offers scholarships to individual who seek careers in the legal field. The applications and accompanying documents for these scholarships must be presented through a local sponsoring association by the due date determined by the sponsoring association. If there is no local association, applicants may submit applications and accompanying documents directly to the LPI Scholarship Chair.
The local association shall select one application to recommend for each scholarship, and forward them to the LPI Scholarship Chair, postmarked no later than April 1.
The following scholarships are available:
High School Senior:
Title: Category A
Amount: $2,000 for First Place and $1,000 for Second Place
Details: Applicants shall be restricted to seniors who will have successfully completed high school by the end of June and will be enrolled in the fall semester immediately following the school year in a college or business school offering a course of study in the legal field. All applicants must be legal residents of the State of California and must be attending school within the State of California during the scholarship year.
College Student
Title: Category B
Amount: $2,000 for First Place and $1,000 for Second Place
Details: Applicants shall be restricted to students who will have completed at least one year of college by June of the school year, and who will be enrolled in the fall semester immediately following the school year in a college or business school in a course of study in the legal field, until all such courses have been taken to satisfy the requirements for a degree or certificate in said legal related program. All applicants must be legal residents of the State of California and must be attending school within the State of California during the scholarship year.
Career Change Student
Title: Category C
Amount: $2,000 for First Place and $1,000 for Second Place
Details: Applicants shall be restricted to students who will be enrolled in the fall semester in a college or business school in a course of study in the legal field and shall be an individual who either (a) desires to re-enter the workforce after a prolonged absence but requires training or specialized education in order to qualify as a candidate for a position in the legal field; or (b) has been in the workforce for a number of years but desires to enter the legal field and wants to receive the training or specialized education needed to do so. All applicants must be legal residents of the State of California and must be attending school within the State of California during the scholarship year.